Tango, Proto, BFIG, Unite, and Boston VR: All Great News!

Long time no see! We’ll get better about that one of these days 😉 This’ll be a very short post, but just wanted to let any anxious onlookers know: things are going very well, and we have a lot of exciting stuff to share very soon, with a few excellent tidbits right now:

  • VRMT is up and running very nicely on the Project Tango tablet devkit, and we’ve released that app on the Google Play Store!! Here’s Google’s post including VRMT, and if you’re also working with a Tango tablet, you can officially download the build here. VRMT on Tango is pretty rad if I may say so myself, but we also have some updates in store for it that I think will blow minds.
  • The Proto Awards selected VRMT as an honoree for Best GUI and Most Innovative! That honestly came as a shock, and we’re very honored to be included among Skyworld, VRChat, Virtual Desktop, World of Comenius, ElemenTerra, Surgeon Simulator, and Keep Talking And Nobody Explodes (seriously I’ve been obsessed with Keep Talking since it released. #1 couple’s therapy app ever). Those are all fantastic VR apps from some of the best developers out there, and I still haven’t internalized that we get to sully their ranks!
  • Boston Festival of Indie Games has included VRMT in the Digital Showcase! It’s on September 12th at MIT, and we’ll be there in force, showing the latest version, including various surprises. We’re very happy to have VRMT at FIG this year, since it was exactly a year prior, at FIG 2014, that VRMT made its public debut!
  • Schoen will be talking at Unite 2015 about developing and supporting UniMerge! And the cherry on top: Unite 2015 is in Boston! His talk is titled “Creating UniMerge: What happens when you fill a feature hole and put it on the Asset Store”, and is full of great info and experience from building, publishing, and supporting UniMerge, which we hope other developers will find very helpful. And of course we hope for it to be a nice shot of publicity for UniMerge, which we can’t imagine working without!
  • I (Jono) have taken the helm with a new sub-group of Boston VR: Boston VR Devs, a monthly VR development hackathon! We had our first official hackathon last month, where we had a great time and made some sweet stuff. I jammed on a very exciting new VRMT feature, which we’ll share next month. If you’re in Boston and doing any level of hacking with VR stuff, join us! The next hackathon is September 13th.

There’s more great news that we can’t wait to share, but that’s probably enough exclamation points for one day. Schoen and I are both away for the next week spending some time with our families, and will hit the ground running in September — which is poised to be Defective’s most exciting month to date!

We’ve at least been getting a little better about being alive on Twitter, and most of this news was announced there as it came up — so if you Tweet, join us!

~ by Jono on August 22, 2015.

One Response to “Tango, Proto, BFIG, Unite, and Boston VR: All Great News!”

  1. You (Jono) also forgot to mention that you’re the new co-organizer of B.U.G., taking Alex Schartz’ place alongside Elliott Mitchell! Or is that privileged information?

    P.S. it’s weird commenting on my own blog…

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